The Test of English as a Foreign Language, or the TOEFL, measures your English skills for English-speaking universities. More universities will accept you if you have a good TOEFL score.

Preparation is important if you want to get a good score on the TOEFL. But you already know that, right? Now, how you prepare for the TOEFL is key. You can do it in a smart way!

We have written about  how to prepare for the TOEFL fast. Now, let’s take a closer look at the TOEFL test format.

The TOEFL iBT Test has four sections. Each section focuses on a language skill: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The TOEFL takes around 4.5 hours to complete.

When you take the TOEFL, you will perform tasks that combine your English communication skills. For example, you will read a text, listen to a recording, and then speak your response to a question.

Below is a nice summary of the TOEFL iBT Test sections from the Educational Testing Service. The ETS designs and administers the TOEFL test.

TOEFL iBT Test Sections  

Section Time Limit Questions Tasks
Reading 60 to 80 minutes 36 to 56 questions Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer questions.
Listening 60 to 90 minutes 34 to 51 questions Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, and then answer questions.
Break    10 minutes - -
Speaking 20 minutes 6 tasks Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on reading and listening tasks.
Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks; support an opinion in writing.

Source: ETS

For the reading section, you need to make sure you can answer all the questions. Remember to use your time well!

To prepare for the TOEFL test, you can study sample exams. Samples exams follow the TOEFL test format. There are many sample exams online. The ETS also has free test questions on their website. Read more about the TOEFL test format here.

Our online English teachers at Learntalk can also help you prepare for the TOEFL fast. Schedule your free lesson now!

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