Here are surefire tips to help you write the résumé that will set you apart from all the other applicants.


1. Include your career objective in your résumé.

A career objective is considered to be the most important part your résumé. It is what you actually want to achieve in your career. You should include your goals and the fields or industries in which you want to work. This allows the employer to see if your personal career objective is in line with the job for which you are applying. If it is, then you become a  potentially strong contender in your employer’s eyes.


2. Keep your résumé compact and concise.

The truth is your employer doesn’t have the time to read paragraphs about you, even if they are about your glorious achievements. The key, then, to making your résumé stand out is brevity. Set a hard, strict maximum on one page. Be straightforward. Focus on your achievements and contributions to previous work, and be quantitative if you can. Your employer doesn’t want to sift through your entire biography to find out why you are perfect for this job. Just list the significant things you’ve done in previous work, and let your achievements do the talking. Bonus tip: You can even tailor your résumé to fit the job you are applying for. To do this, focus on your previous experience in similar work.


3. Proofread, proofread, proofread.

We can’t emphasize this enough. Even if your résumé says you graduated with honors from a top university and you made your previous company’s sales go up 50%, one little typographical or grammatical error can turn a promising applicant into a reject. It makes for a terrible first impression. Go over and over your résumé before you send it, making sure it’s free from any mistakes. Better yet, have someone you trust go over your résumé and see if they pick up on any errors you might have overlooked. He or she can also offer his or her opinion on your résumé, and you can adjust it accordingly.


Now that you’ve crafted your résumé, don’t forget to write a cover letter as well. All the tips listed here also apply to the cover letter, but to find out more, sign up for so we can help you write compelling and enticing résumés and cover letters. Your dream job is just one click away!

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