You have an appointment. Do you meet him in Monday? At Monday? Or on Monday?

Many English learners find it difficult to use at, in, and on. Here's another useful guide to help you speak English fluently.

We use at, in and on to talk about specific periods of time, like dates on the calendar, days of the week, or the actual time. These words are called prepositions. 

There are many kinds of prepositions. Today, we're focusing on prepositions of time. 

Precise time: AT

At is used to refer to clock times, holidays and festivals, and other specific times. 

• I leave for work at 6 o'clock in the morning.
• We have lunch at noon.
• I talk to my parents at dinner time.
• The whole family gets together at Christmas (the entire Christmas season).

Periods of time: IN

In is used to refer to talk about months, seasons, years, centuries, and other time periods.

• We stay in the countryside in summer.
• Sven lived in Paris in 2006.
• Mammoths lived in the Ice Age.
• The modern car was developed in the 1800s.

Days and dates: ON

On is used for specific days and dates.

• See you on Sunday.
• I visit my parents on Fridays.
• Christmas is on December 25.
• Sarah always buys a new dress on her birthday.

As always, there are exceptions. For example:

• You drive in the morning, but you also drive at night.
• You don't work at the weekend.

Here's something else you need to remember: Don't use at, in, and on when you use last, next, every, and this. For example:

• She went to Singapore in last month.
• John will be home on next Monday.
• Our family throws a party on every New Year's Eve.
• I'll see you in this evening.

Now, try it out!

1. I wake up at _____.
2. I usually travel in _____.
3. My birthday is on _____.

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