A metaphor is a phrase that we use to compare two different things that have something in common. Metaphors allow us to imagine what someone is trying to say by appealing to our senses. For example, someone at a busy public market might say, "It's a jungle out here."

The market isn't actually the jungle. But because of all the people walking around and chattering, you might see it like a jungle filled with all sorts of animals.

Here are some common metaphors you might want to use.

"A heart of gold"

This refers to a person who is kind, good-natured, or generous. The term "gold" is used because it's something valued for its goodness.

"All the world's a stage"

This was first used by William Shakespeare in one of his plays, As You Like It. It means that the world is like a stage where everyone is just acting to get through each day. It's cynical, but we can't deny the truth behind it.

"A diamond in the rough"

Saying that someone is a diamond in the rough is like saying that they are a good person who lacks manners, education, or style.

"A special snowflake"

If someone is described as a special snowflake, it means that person claims to have unique traits that entitle them to special treatment. For example, a special snowflake who claims to have a gluten allergy (but doesn't!) would demand that all their food be inspected for gluten.

"Feeling blue"

To feel blue is to feel sad. Blue is often associated with sadness, which is why it's also used in the idiom "to have the blues."

Metaphors are a great way to convey how we feel without being too literal. That's why it's always a good idea to learn as many as you can!

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