Learntalk For Business
Add your members to your company’s Learntalk account, choose their study path and monitor their progress for maximum ROI.

Improve Your Organization’s English Now
Our students are from some of the most recognized brands
How It Works
Add your members as students
Easily add the members you want to enroll for English lessons at Learntalk.
Choose the number of lessons
Choose how many group or individual lessons you will enroll for your students.
Pick out the most relevant material
You can select ideal materials for you, or let us find out through a level check assessment.
Keep track of your company’s learning
Always have a quick overview on how your students are progressing in English.
Corporate Solutions
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Customizable Setup
We offer options to choose between group or private classes, timetables, lesson topics, course progression, assessments, and the platforms on which we deliver lessons (i.e. phone, Skype or Zoom); All to fit your members nicely into the Learntalk platform.
Designed for screening applicants, admissions, interim evaluations and certification, Our CEFR level check tests measure fluency, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation and overall comprehension in detail.

We can also customize assessments to focus on your specific requirements.
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